Stellar M22 IPL Photorejuvenation

The technology behind Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL photorejuvenation allows for the treatment of pigmentation and vascular imperfections while improving the overall appearance of the skin. The Stellar M22™ IPL with Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT™) allows us to customize the treatment according to your skin type and desired results, while maximizing safety. Pulses of light penetrate the tissue and create heat, targeting skin imperfections in a controlled manner. The body’s natural process then removes the treated tissue while collagen and elastic fibers stimulate, resulting in a visible improvement in skin tone and overall appearance.

Photorejuvenation with Lumenis Stellar M22™ IPL is a quick but gentle procedure that visibly improves skin condition:

  • Removes pigmentation
  • Removes age/sun spots
  • Removes broken capillaries
  • Improves overall skin appearance by stimulating collagen and elastic fiber production.

A photorejuvenation treatment with Lumenis Stellar M22™ enables us to offer remarkable results for treating a range of skin problems, such as age spots and sun spots, freckles, birthmarks, rosacea and broken capillaries.

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